A Child's Heart

If my father and mother
leave me,
the Lord will take me in.

Psalm 27:10 NCV

Join Us to Save A Child's Heart

Mission Statement

A Child’s Heart provides a topical Bible study to help the Body of Christ support, equip, and disciple children and families without both natural parents in the home.

Apostles' Creed

  1. I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth;
  2. And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord;
  3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary;
  4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell;
  5. The third day he rose again from the dead;
  6. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
  7. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead;
  8. I believe in the Holy Ghost;
  9. I believe in the holy catholic (universal) church: the communion of saints;
  10. The forgiveness of sins;
  11. The resurrection of the body;
  12. And the life everlasting. Amen.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to distribute the “A Child’s Heart” Bible study to groups of children from broken homes all over America and the world. We envision expanding the children’s lessons to include the same topics for teens and adults, to be studied and taught at home by single parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, parents of blended families, relatives raising children, etc., ending every week with support groups at a local church or ministry.

Broken Homes

Children from Broken Homes account for . . .

  • 70 percent of those in juvenile detention.
  • 57 percent of all prison inmates.
  • 63 percent of teen suicides.
  • 71 percent of teen pregnancies.
  • 90 percent of homeless juveniles and runaways.
  • 71 percent of high school dropouts.
  • 75 percent of all drug users.
  • 85 percent of behavioral disorders.

A Child's Heart Partnerships

Please join the growing list of Churches, Organizations and Individuals who care about this important mission.

Church and ministry leaders who receive this Bible study are A Child's Heart Guardians. Isaiah 1:17—"Learn to do good, Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow." This Bible study is for children from broken homes only.

As Guardians, we keep in mind that one of the main things God wants for this Bible study is support groups, because He has called this Bible study to nourish…to be a cocoon…to be a safe place…to honor these children because they have lost so much. As Guardians, we remain true to the original vision of this ministry, where God called us to bring out the children that are “under the deck,” because the church and society are “walking over the top of them.” They need to be “cleaned off and told God loves them,” which we do through solid Bible studies linked with dedicated support groups…we are Guardians of these children’s souls. After this, they are sent out to the rest of the church and the world, secure in knowing God loves them.

Churches and ministries are currently considering the “A Child’s Heart” Bible study! We are following Nehemiah’s example, reaching out with this Bible study to help each community rebuild the broken families in their neighborhood. As in Nehemiah chapter 3, when each neighborhood rebuilt their section of the wall of Jerusalem, come join us in encouraging our communities to rebuild families!

Currently the “A Child’s Heart” Bible study is available for elementary-age children and is being offered to churches, ministries, military bases, foster agencies, etc. Donations will be used to further adapt the curriculum for single parents to teach at home and for blended families’ use at home and in their support groups. EIN #84-1279782

“Then I told them how good my God had been to me, and what the king had told me. They replied, ‘Let’s get out there and build!’ So they encouraged themselves to do good.” (Neh. 2:18, ISV)

Upcoming Events

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A Child’s Heart” Bible study support groups for elementary-age children are starting soon…